Custom Donation Flow - Setting Up Pledges

GET https://<subdomain> will redirect to the pledge checkout flow

See EndPoint Key for information on posting the params to widget session if they are long. Same practice applies to the 'pledges/widget'


Parameter Description Required
campaign_id numerical Kindful campaign ID. This is displayed in the URL of the campaign edit page. yes
cart[desc] overall description of what the pledge is contributing towards yes
cart_items[1][amount] the pledge line item amount. Line items are added up to determine the full pledge amount. yes (at least one cart_item)
cart_items[1][quantity] the pledge line item quantity. Line items are added up to determine the full pledge amount. yes (at least one cart_item)
cart_items[1][desc] description for the line item on pledge checkout yes (at least one cart_item)
cart_items[1][product_id] unique id for line item product. Recommended - cart_item [desc] but spaces replaced with underscores yes (at least one cart_item)


Modify the below URL as a starting point for creating a pledge checkout

https://<subdomain><campaign_id>&cart[desc]=Pledge Page Description&cart[items][1][desc]=Pledge Item Description&cart[items][1][product_id]=Pledge_Item_Description&cart[items][1][amount]=25&cart[items][1][quantity]=1