Sandbox Dashboard Options


A red bar at the top of your browser window will be the indicator that you are in the Sandbox. The Sandbox is a testing ground for you to try your custom app out before implementation. If you do not see a red header, you are NOT in your Sandbox.

Generate security token/Manage Credentials

Generates your Application Token for access to your API to use on Sandbox.

This view also provides you with two (2) Endpoints. You will need each of these when we set up your environment in Postman.

Note that the Production (Live) URL is different from the Sandbox (Test) URL.



You will need each of these when we set up your environment in Postman. (Note: these are the same for every custom app you will build.)

On this screen, you can also regenerate your application token if desired.

Note: doing so will break all connections to your app until the tokens are updated where they are used to access your API.

Go to Production

Takes you to your Production Environment.

Import Jobs

Once you begin generating imports, the jobs will be listed in this table. The table is sortable by date and status. You may also click on the Job ID to get more details about each import, which also included GUID.

Search by GUID

You can search your imports based on a specific GUID

Wipe Sandbox

Deletes all data in the sandbox. Cannot be undone.

Back to Account

Takes you back to the main dashboard of your Kindful account.

Sandbox Testing

We recommend testing the integration in your Sandbox before sending data into your LIVE account.

  • On the Manage Application page, choose Go to Sandbox.
  • Once in your Sandbox, create a Sandbox-specific token to test your integration in the Sandbox (test) environment.
  • When you are finished testing the integration in Sandbox, go back to your live account to obtain the Live Account Token for live imports.

Add your token to the header in your request like below:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token token="<access_token>"