Record Matching - Group matching

Group Matching (creating and assigning) Behavior

Groups can be appended to by the following methods. This allows you to import contacts with 'group' set without creating duplicate groups OR create a new group in Kindful while assigning a contact to the group on the same call.

All Import Types

Group matching can take place on all contact import types, including:







Parameter Notes Type
id Will match the records id field to Kindful's group id. String
name Will match the records name field to Kindful's group name. String
groups You must specify the groups you will be matching your data by. This lives outside the match_by key. See example. Array

Example 1 - Match By Group Name or Create Group by Name

In the first example below, we are appending to groups, Love Cats and Favorite Movie.

Because match_by is set to match on group's name field, if Love Cats and/or Favorite Movie exists then the contact will be assigned to the associated groups. If the groups did not exist, then new groups would be created and the contacts assigned to the new groups.

Lastly, you indicate whether to associate or disassociate a person to a group by using "yes" and "no" respectively. By assigning "yes" you will assign a contact to a group and by assigning "no" you can remove a contact from a group.


  "data_format": "contact",
  "data_type": "json",
  "match_by": {
    "group": "name"
  "action_type": "create",
  "groups": ["Love Cats", "Favorite Movie"], 
  "data": [
      "id": "123", 
      "first_name": "Harry", 
      "last_name": "Potter", 
      "email": "", 
      "Love Cats": "yes", 
      "Favorite Movie": "yes" 

Example 2 - Match By Group ID

In the example below, we are appending to groups by id's "91" and "93".

Because match_by is set to match on group's id field, and id 91 is the Love Cats group and 93 is the Favorite Movie group, the contacts will be assigned to the associated groups.

If you set match_by id and passed in a group ID that does not yet exist in Kindful, Kindful will create a group that is named as the group id. We do not recommend this and instead recommend that if you are creating new groups, that you create by group name (example #1).


  "data_format": "contact",
  "data_type": "json",
  "match_by": {
    "group": "id"
  "action_type": "create",
  "groups": ["91", "93"], 
  "data": [
      "id": "321", 
      "first_name": "Ron", 
      "last_name": "Weasley", 
      "email": "", 
      "91": "yes", 
      "93": "yes" 

For more information about Record Matching, please see Record Matching Overview